How did we get here so fast!! As we sat in disbelief turning the calendar from May to June just a few weeks ago, here we are in amazement that the end of the year has come.
Many field trips were planned and enjoyed throughout the month of June. Carberry Sand Hills, Riding Mountain National Park, Brandon, Sanday Lake, and Onanole were the destinations of choice this year. Many great places for students to see and interesting things to learn.
The Jr. High Soft Ball team practiced hard and looked forward to the tournament. It was postponed a day due to weather. The next day proved to be a perfect day to play ball and all the practices paid off for our Onanole WILD as they were finalists in the tournament.
It was with great sadness that we had our last Roots of Empathy visit with baby Alex and his mom Shannon. What a great opportunity to have this program in our school and to Mrs. Ryznar for leading the sessions in the Grade ¾ classroom. During these visits the class discussed and observed a baby’s development, learned their cues of communication, and built a social and empathetic connection. Great conversations, questions, and understanding all lead to the success of the Roots of Empathy Program. Onanole School would like to wish the Cameron family all the best as they will be leaving Manitoba to the Maritimes. Thank you, Mrs. Cameron, for subbing at our school too. You will be missed.
On this, the same day, we had our afternoon Grade 8 Farewell and Celebration of Learning. We wish our grade 8’s all the best in the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you to Miss. Krahn for creating the year end video, it captured a very busy and unforgettable year.
We just want to thank the yearbook group for doing such an outstanding job on the OES 2023-2024 Yearbook, it looked fantastic.
In addition to farewells, we bid a fond one to Mrs. Tyschinski. She was part of the Onanole Elementary School's family for 11 years and we wish her all the best at her new school. We will miss you Mrs. T!

Onanole School closed out the year with some fun water stations and other activities. Sorry Mrs. T, you were nominated by Mrs. Clark since it is your last year with us.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe, relaxing, and fun summer.