Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!!
Before we opened the doors to the new school year, we were welcomed with a beautiful sunny first day filled with chatter, laughter, and excitement. That energy walked into the school down the hall and into their classrooms. Some students were moving on to a new classroom and new teacher, and other students are one grade higher and look forward to spending another year with their former teacher as the role models of their class. Our new class of Kindergarteners started their first day on the second day of school. Other students and staff welcomed them to the school and Mrs. Clark was ready to start their day by getting them settled in the class and acquainted with the morning routine. We are so happy to have all 11 of them here at our school.
We also wanted to take the opportunity to welcome our new families to our school, we are so happy to have you be a part of our school and community!!!
September is always a busy month that we settle into comfortably because we are confidently prepared and ready. Dale, along with his assistant Denika, from Imperial Photography came on the first Monday of the school year to capture the smiles of all the students, their class group, and the school wide photo. They have such a great rapport with all our staff and students and make the picture taking process fun.
Classes gathered in the gym for our first assembly to talk about the four pillars of our school. Learning to Know, Learning to Do, Learning to Be, and Learning to Live Together. We gathered into our Spirit Groups: Bears, Wolf, Bison, Sabu, Beavers, and Turtles, and began the discussion on coming up with ideas we would like to see our school be. A lot of wonderful ideas were put down on their charts like: Being kind to one another, inclusion on the playground, help others learn, be respectful to wildlife that shares our space on the playground, make friends, share, listen, pay attention in class, learn different subjects, and more!!!! There were so many wonderful ideas shared in each group.
Staff and students who were joined by a few families, took part in our annual Terry Fox Run on the sunny afternoon of Wednesday, September 25th. Thank you again to Mr. Porter for escorting us down the old highway and back. We had Terry Fox in our thoughts remembering how passionate he was to run for a cure and are proud to continue his dream. We wore our support stickers like hearts on our sleeves for those who we know, knew, or may be fighting their battle with cancer right now. Our school will always be a proud supporter of the Terry Fox Foundation…NO MATTER WHAT!
Onanole Elementary School has proudly raised $1165 for Cancer Research. Thank you to all those who donated to this great cause.
On the 26th of September, students along with their families and staff gathered for our Annual Onanole School Potluck Supper. WOW what a turn out!!! We had so many people we had to pull out more tables and chairs, it was wonderful. Oh and speaking of wonderful…the delicious variety of food was fantastique!!
Grades 1/2, 3/4, and 7/8 were honored to take part in the National Truth and Reconciliation activities at Rolling River First Nation. Students listened to many speakers, watched traditional dancers, took a wagon ride, and ate a lovely prepared lunch. This day was celebrated on the Friday, September. 27th. The grade 5/6 class will be going to the Brandon Riverbank Discovery Centre to partake in activities and listen to a Residential School Survivor speak of his experience and knowledge.