I LOVE TO READ MONTH was a great success. All students and staff enjoyed taking part in all the activities and new ways to find books.
The most popular activity was "Blind Date with a Book." All of the books were new to the library. That made it even more exciting for the students when they were unwrapping their new adventure. We will definitely be doing that again next year!!
As a school we took a tally of either pages or books, read throughout the school.
The grades 5-8 classes did a tally of how many pages they read in a month. Their final total was over 13, 082 pages read!!! They had a challenge between the two classrooms and the grade 5/6' earned a batch of Mrs. Ryznar's cinnamon buns.
The grades K-4 total books read was over 14oo!!
We had three I love to read star winners Miles, Cortana, and Zach, Congratulations!!
The bookmarks were very popular and students have been using them. Each one was different and uniquely made. They will last for many many years to come.
I am happy to report that throughout the month of February I caught every student and staff member reading. Their photos were posted on the bulletin board outside of the library. Students enjoyed checking on it every day to see if they had been caught.
We would also like to thank our "Guest Reader", Tom from Take Pride Winnipeg for coming in and reading a story to our Grade 1-4 students. His story and presentation was great!!
Last, but definitely not least, we had DEAR, Drop Everything And Read, the last week of February. The silence in the building was uncanny!! The students liked this so much they want it to continue. So we will be doing this once a week until the end of the year.
I would like to thank all the staff and students who took part.
Reading is a huge part of a child's development. It helps to stimulate their minds with imagination and curiosity, as well as develop their communication and social skills. Reading everyday, for 15 to 20 minutes a day helps build these skills.
I have posted pictures in our photo gallery of the events that took place.
Click below: