Remembrance Day Poster/Poetry Winners

Back Row:  Kaius Kroeker, Cassidy Dundas, Suroor Ajani, and Ozy Atkinson.
Front Row:  Sita Ravensong, Alice Frazer, and Mr. Archie Campbell

Mr. Archie Campbell, from the Erickson Legion Branch #143, paid us a visit yesterday afternoon to present certificates to the following students who placed in the top three in their categories of either poster or poetry entries. 
Those who placed in the top two are forwarded onto Zones for judging.  If they win Zones they get forwarded onto the Provincial level and possibly then could continue onto the National level to be judged.

Congratulations to all the winners at Onanole Elementary School, and we would like to congratulate the winners in our neighboring schools at Erickson Elementary and Erickson Collegiate. 

Also Mr. Campbell presented The Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Program Appreciation Award to Mrs. Ryznar for our school's participation in the contest. 

Mr. Campbell also went onto say how moved their Legion Members are every year with the hard work that the students do and the part that they play in the service itself. 
Thank you to Mr. Campbell and his fellow Erickson Legion Branch #143 members, that means a lot to all of us.