We had an excellent day at the Junior High curling bonspiel on Wed , Feb. 6th . We took three teams this year so it was great to have all that new interest in the sport. We have some really great curlers and some very quick learners.

Suroor , Cassidy and Dylan were our three skips. Dylan and Cassidy’s teams both won their first games placing them on the A side of the draw. Suroor’s team lost their first game placing them on the B side. Unfortutely Dylan’s team was defeated in their 2nd game and that was the end of their play for the day. They played 2 great games and even came down to playing skip rocks in one game.
Cassidy and Surroor went on to the semi final games. Cassidy ‘s team scored a couple of big ends to solidify their win and Suroor made the high pressure shot to draw closest to the button which took the team to the B side finals.

Both teams put up a good fight in the finals but ended up being defeated by Rivers for A side and Forrest for the B side.
Great day of Curling! Congrats to all of our participants. You represented Onanole School with both your skills and etiquette.