RMNP Hiking and Friends Field Trips

Riding Mountain National Park was the go to place for field trips this year!  The Kindergarten, Grade ½, ¾, and 5/6 classes did a variety of different things.

Kindergarten:  Started the day out with a marsh investigation.  They had the opportunity to search out what creatures reside in the marsh.  They had the help of (name) identifying all the interesting creatures.  Then they were off to the Visitor’s Centre where they learned a lot and even got into character pretending to be a wolf!!  Then off to the Bordwalk they went to enjoy a yummy cone of ice cream!!
K-Field Trip

Grade ½:  The students had a fun day at RMNP as they used their senses to discover the forest, played a fun game called “Camouflage”, shared a picnic lunch by the beach, played tag, experienced the park playground, learned about plants and then planted our own wildflower, and then to end the day we were treated to ice cream at the Boardwalk. THANK YOU to Sandy for this tasty, cool donation!
1/2 Field Trip


Grade ¾:  First thing on the ajenda, George and Val at Friends of the Park planned a great GPS adventure. Then after that, the class went to  Sporty's who provided a delicious lunch.  The the students had a fun challenging round of mini golf then the day ended with a bouncing good time! 
field trip

Grade 5/6:  A hiking they did go…on the Lake Kinosao Trail.  The weather could not have been better for it!  The trails there are beautifully maintained which makes hiking a breeze.  The class stopped at lakeside and enjoyed their lunches while taking in the scenic beauty.  Lunches stuffed back into backpacks, off they went on the trail that lead back to the bus which then took them to Friends of the Park where they had a Bones and Stones presentation.  They got to shale nap and threw an atlatl.  After that they hiked over to the Boardwalk for Ice Cream.
5/6 Field Trip

I would say that each class had fun filled field trips!!