The Annual Community Hot Lunch was incredibly delicious again this year!! The AJ Lewis and Tyler Kaktins along with many parent volunteers served up the most delicious plate which included turkey and all the fixing’s. Students and staff of OES once again dinned at the Onanole Rec Centre before lunch. It was a brisk walk to the Rec Centre, however the hot plate of goodness shook that off pretty quick. Not only was the turkey dinner amazing, the desserts that were served were sooooooo good. It was hard to just have one or two.

On behalf of the students and staff at Onanole School we would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents, volunteers, donators, and the Onanole Parent Group for a wonderful dinner! Also, to the community and surrounding communities for your support!! This dinner is one of the Onanole Parent Groups biggest fundraisers. This fundraiser brought in an amazing $1791.00!!! Incredible! There were extra dainties, so trays were put together and sold which totaled $70.00. And a very generous donation from the Women’s Institute was presented to the Onanole Parent Group of $100.00.